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EvoLogics debuts the new Diver Navigation System

April 4, 2024 by
EvoLogics debuts the new Diver Navigation System
Wladislaw Peter Urbansky

EvoLogics is pleased to announce the official release of its new acoustic navigation system for divers.

The innovative system facilitates map-based navigation for divers on a mission, offering the flexibility of seamless two-way communication between divers and the dive supervision team, and setting map waypoints both during a mission’s planning and execution.

Much like texting on a smartphone, the system allows a team of divers to exchange short messages with each other and the surface, while also providing real-time tracking of each other’s positions. Map waypoints can be added before or even during the mission to coordinate operations, and mark discovered objects or infrastructure for further investigation.

With the new system, EvoLogics aims to streamline complex underwater tasks such as search and rescue, salvage operations, recovery efforts, and cleanup operations. The Diver Navigation system enhances coordination, improves task management, and promotes efficient information sharing, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of diver operations.

The USBL buoy calculates diver positions using acoustic signals and displays them in the SiNAPS interface for the support team. This capability allows the surface team to monitor diver positions, communicate messages, and adjust mission waypoints as needed. Bidirectional acoustic links ensure that all mission divers have access to tracker positions.

Images by Submaris and EvoLogics

Filmed by Submaris, Philipp Mall and EvoLogics, edited by EUNOIA VISIONS
EvoLogics debuts the new Diver Navigation System
Wladislaw Peter Urbansky April 4, 2024
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