S2C Mounting Frames
The S2C mounting frames are intended for proper mounting of S2C devices and protect them when operating in harsh environments.
To prevent mechanical damage of EvoLogics devices we recommend to handle them with care, avoiding shocks, strong vibration, abrasions, etc. EvoLogics S2C mounting frames offer additional protection against mechanical damage for the fragile components of S2C devices.
The standard S2C mounting frame is compatible with:
- All EvoLogics S2CR Underwater Acoustic Modems
- All EvoLogics S2CR WiSE Underwater Acoustic Modems
- S2CR 47/78 USBL, S2CR 42/65 USBL, and S2CR 18/34 USBL communication and positioning devices
EvoLogics can offer custom designs for mounting and protective frames, please contact us for more information.
- Proper mounting of S2C devices
- Protection against mechanical damage
S2C Battery Pack Frame
he S2C battery frame provides secure mounting for an EvoLogics S2CR underwater acoustic modem and an EvoLogics battery pack.
EvoLogics offers battery frames for:
- All EvoLogics S2CR Underwater Acoustic Modems
- All EvoLogics S2CR WiSE Underwater Acoustic Modems
EvoLogics can offer custom designs for mounting and protective frames, please contact us for more information.
Proper mounting of S2C devices
Protection against mechanical damage

S2C Mounting Brackets
A set of S2C mounting brackets ensures proper installation of EvoLogics S2C devices into existing infrastructure.
Mounting brackets are available for:
- All EvoLogics S2C Underwater Acoustic Modems
- All EvoLogics S2CR WiSE Underwater Acoustic Modems
- All EvoLogics S2CR USBL positioning and communication devices
EvoLogics can offer custom designs for mounting brackets, please contact us for more information.
- Secure mounting of S2C devices