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EvoLogics WiSE: upgraded

EvoLogics WiSE: upgraded developer edition modems are now compatible with the UnetStack framework
September 26, 2013 by
EvoLogics WiSE: upgraded
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan

EvoLogics GmbH is proud to announce that its WiSE-edition modems for developers were recently proven compatible with the ARL-Subnero UnetStack underwater networking framework. Moreover, the RAM capacity of the devices was increased to deliver an even better performance running custom software and applications on WiSE modems.

S2CR White Line Science Edition (WiSE) is a series of underwater acoustic modems that provide a flexible framework for testing new underwater network protocols on real hardware. An S2CR-WiSE modem provides all the features of standard EvoLogics S2CR devices. In addition, an S2CR WiSE modem facilitates a sandbox - a virtual machine with embedded GNU/Linux. It enables Bash/TCL/Expect scripting language programming and web-server programming (HTML pages, CGI scripts on Bash/TCL). Moreover, S2CR WiSE modems are supplied with a full GNU cross-toolchain for C/C++ software development.

After a recent upgrade, the WiSE modems feature 128 MB of RAM, adding more flexibility for running custom software and scripts.

Moreover, the WiSE modems were recently successfully tested and proven compatible with the UnetStack - an agent-based underwater network protocol stack, developed at the Acoustic Research Laboratory (ARL) of the National University of Singapore, and licensed through Subnero Pte Ltd. The UnetStack consists of different software agents that provide services. Although they play the same role, unlike traditional layers of network protocol stacks, the Unet agents are not organized into a hierarchical structure. Instead, their interaction is defined by the current application needs. A driver agent of the UnetStack provides access to the physical layer implementation in a modem - a driver for EvoLogics modems allows the user to implement an underwater network using EvoLogics devices. UnetStack is freely available for academic use from

Expanding the opportunities for developers, UnetStack now joins SUNSET and DESERT underwater networking frameworks that support interfacing with EvoLogics WiSE acoustic modems.

A joint Subnero-EvoLogics modem offering was announced at the IEEE Oceans'13 conference in Bergen, Norway. These joint modems feature the UnetStack technology on EvoLogics' hardware and are available for deployments requiring robust performance, protocol flexibility and a platform for innovation worldwide.

EvoLogics WiSE: upgraded
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan September 26, 2013
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