Ocean Business 2009

View a demonstration of our S2C modems at Ocean Business 2009 in Southhampton
March 20, 2009 by
Ocean Business 2009
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan

EvoLogics will be demonstrating at Ocean Business 2009 the functionality of the S2C modems. Meet us at the dockside demonstration "Hydroacoustic modems, demonstration of multi-channel data transmission and acoustic measurements", on Wednesday April 1st 2009 at 13:30 or Thursday April 2nd 2009 at 15:00. Additionally there will be a classroom session on Wednesday April 1st 2009 about the modem usage at 16:30. For further information do not hesitate to send us an email to info@evologics.de

Ocean Business 2009
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan March 20, 2009
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