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Spotted: EvoLogics modems integrated in award-winning XPRIZE AUV

June 5, 2019 by
Spotted: EvoLogics modems integrated in award-winning XPRIZE AUV
Maria Pleskach
Video © Sankei news

EvoLogics underwater acoustic modems integrated with AUV-NEXT autonomous underwater vehicle (JAMSTEC, JP), part of award winning team KUROSHIO of XPRIZE!

On May 31st XPRIZE, the global leader in designing and operating incentive competitions to solve humanity’s grand challenges, has announced winners in the $7M Shell Ocean Discovery XPRIZE, a global competition to advance ocean technologies for rapid, unmanned and high-resolution ocean exploration and discovery.

KUROSHIO, from Japan, claimed $1M as the runner-up!

KUROSHIO team, led by Takeshi Nakatani, Ph.D., integrated technologies from their partners to create a surface vessel and software platform that can operate with different autonomous underwater vessels, which increases the versatility of their technology.  Read more about the journey here.

Source: XPRIZE

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Image Source: JAMSTEC
Spotted: EvoLogics modems integrated in award-winning XPRIZE AUV
Maria Pleskach June 5, 2019
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