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Subsea instruments and sensor networks

EvoLogics presents an acoustic modem for subsea instruments and sensor networks
October 1, 2009 by
Subsea instruments and sensor networks
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan

EvoLogics GmbH, underwater acoustic communications and positioning company, presents innovative acoustic telemetry equipment for autonomous subsea measurement and monitoring systems in Hydrographentag 2009 conference, held on 6th and 7th October 2009 in HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU), Germany. 

EvoLogics takes part in Hydrographentag 2009 and reports the recent achivements in wireless data retrieval from subsea moorings and ocean bottom stations via hydroacoustic channel. Even under tricky slant and horizontal channel conditions S2C acoustic modems demonstrate reliable transfer of large data volumes over the distances of several kilometers. The acoustic modem provides a means to obtain the lowest energy consumption under requirements of reliable data transfer. 

EvoLogics GmbH is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the production of underwater acoustic communication and positioning equipment. 

The DHyG is a professional non-profit association that promotes practical and scientific hydrography and the national and international cooperation in this field. 

The Hydrographentag 2009 is organized by German Hydrographic Society (DHyG) and is dedicated for publication and discussion of new data collection methods and new instruments application in hydrography. 

Subsea instruments and sensor networks
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan October 1, 2009
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