Sensor integration for acoustic data transmissions

11/Aug/2021 08:00 to 11/Aug/2021 09:30 (Europe/Berlin)

Level: Medium

Duration: 60 min + 30 min Q&A

Join us for a talk about sensor integration for acoustic data transmissions. We will overview the common data interfaces and protocols, pay attention to important notes on power consumption and provide tips on system optimization.

We will discuss:

·        An overview and application examples

·        Main challenges

·        Data interfaces

·        Protocols

·        Power consumption

·        Optimization options

Event host: our COO Francisco Bustamante will share his experience and insights.

Please sign up for the event, and you will receive an automated email from Zoom so you can easily add the event to your calendar.


From 11/Aug/2021 08:00
To 11/Aug/2021 09:30


EvoLogics GmbH
+49 30 4679 862-0