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Marine Science and Ocean Technology community

Evologics show S2C advantages to Marine Science and Ocean Technology community
March 9, 2010 by
Marine Science and Ocean Technology community
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan

EvoLogics GmbH at the Oceanology International 2010 Conference in London, UK, exhibits the advantages the S2C technology provides for underwater acoustic communication and positioning. S2C signals have shown reliability advantages for data transmission and positioning in particular under noisy environments, shallow waters and confined waters.

Evologics will share with participants of the congress its experience with sub-sea monitoring, sub-sea production systems, operation of robots, AUVs (and ROVs) and for wireless acoustic networks. The extraordinary reliability practically achieved and affirmed by independent international tests, pushes the envelope in ocean business and offshore operations to areas that were not yet thought to be possible. Advanced algorithms guarantee maximum channel utilization under all conditions, data delivery and simultaneous command transmission.

For the first time, EvoLogics will officially present Sonobot, an autonomous cartography and surveillance robot with an integrated high precision S2C bionic sonar, differential GPS amongst other sensors.

EvoLogics GmbH is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the production of underwater acoustic communication and positioning equipment and innovative solutions for robotics.

Oceanology International (OI 2010) is to be held on 9-11th March, 2010 in London, UK. Oceanology International
is the world’s premier meeting place for the marine science and ocean technology community.

Contact: Francisco Bustamante 
Sr. Operations Manager 
EvoLogics GmbH 
Ackerstrasse 76 
13355 Berlin 

Tel: +49 (0) 30 4606 8226
Fax: +49 (0) 30 4606 8215

Marine Science and Ocean Technology community
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan March 9, 2010
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