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Offshore Australasia Conference 2010

EvoLogics participates as sponsor of Offshore Australasia Conference 2010
April 27, 2010 by
Offshore Australasia Conference 2010
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan

EvoLogics participates and sponsors the Offshore Australasia Conference 2010 (OAC 10) in Perth, committed to building a premium networking platform for commercial and technical participants from Australasia's offshore oil and gas market place. The theme of the OAC 10 is 'addressing and adapting deeper challenges in Australasia's water'.

Dr. Konstantin Kebkal presents "Off-Shore Branch: High Tech Solutions from Nature", describing how things we learn from nature can be applied to the offshore industry. The particular focus is on hydro-acoustics, integrating the learnings from dolphin and whale communication in underwater systems that offer new possibilities and open new frontiers. Dr. Kebkal introduces underwater communication and positioning employing long-base line antennas (LBL) and ultr-short base line antennas (USBL).

EvoLogics GmbH is a high-tech enterprise specialized in the production of underwater acoustic communication and positioning equipment and innovative solutions for robotics.

Offshore Australasia Conference 2010 (OAC 2010) is to be held on 13-15th April, 2010 in Perth, Australia. Offhshore Australasia Conference is committed to building a premium networking platform for commercial and technical participants from Australasia's offshore oil and gas market place.

Contact: Francisco Bustamante 
Sr. Operations Manager 
EvoLogics GmbH 
Ackerstrasse 76 
13355 Berlin 

Tel: +49 (0) 30 4606 8226
Fax: +49 (0) 30 4606 8215

Offshore Australasia Conference 2010
EvoLogics GmbH, Demeter Chaichan April 27, 2010
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