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Overview      Partners      Funded by

The "OWSplus - Floating Offshore Wind Solutions" alliance is based in the Hanseatic city of Rostock. The motto "Deep Water Solutions -  Offshore Wind goes floating" illustrates the claim of the 13 alliance partners to develop solutions for the next evolutionary stage of renewable power generation.

The alliance's entrepreneurial vision is to develop and market innovative competitive solutions for floating offshore wind farms. The joint core competencies include solutions for:

  • floating substructures of offshore wind turbines
  • floating multipurpose platforms
  • transport and installation of floating offshore technology
  • operation and maintenance concepts
  • energy management

The Alliance aims to be a technological leader in the three main fields of the technology platform (Floating Substructures, Floating Multipurpose Platform, Installation and Operation of Floating Wind Farms). Decisive criteria for this are:

  • durability and operational safety,
  • reliability,
  • scalability,
  • modularization and
  • cost-effective value chains including local content.

On this basis, project partners aim to develop the following:

  • Initiation of the construction of complete wind farms and realization of complex partial services as an alliance
  • Supply of modules and subassemblies for wind farms as an alliance
  • Supply of individual components and partial services for wind farms
  • Utilization of products and services of the alliance in other industries

The alliance strives for technology leadership in the national and international perception in the represented fields. For the partners, the alliance enables both market access and the basis for technology development. The alliance is to serve as a hub for joint marketing and technology development beyond the funding period. The target horizon is market development by 2026 and further market penetration by 2030.

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